Looking Back: 2015 in Review

Looking Back: 2015 in Review
January 07, 2016


The end of a year can be a conflicted time as a business owner. You spend all year pouring over your business, taking care of it like it's your baby, and watching it grow. You feel the satisfaction and pride that comes with building something yourself and it makes you want to cry happy tears. But there are also those days where you lose sleep, feel overwhelmed and maybe miss out on some moments with your family and friends, all because you are working tirelessly to reach your goals. As an entrepreneur, it's easy to feel like you haven't accomplished enough at the end of the year.  And when I look at the bigger picture of what I envision for Aisle Planner, I must admit that I sometimes find myself feeling a bit disheartened that I somehow let myself and my team down, that I could have done more, pushed harder, and made more happen before ringing in another year.

I have definitely had moments where I found myself thinking that we were so far away from where I thought we'd be at the start of 2016.  It's easy to feel this way (to be self critical of yourself and grade yourself through a biased lens) and that's why I find myself just now, looking back at the past 365 days. When I snap out of the can't-get-there-soon-enough attitude and reflect on all of the strides Aisle Planner has made in since this time last year, I get overwhelmed because when I let myself enjoy all of this, I realize that I am blessed.

I have many favorite moments from 2015 but, for me, the highlights are all centered around the wonderful people in my life. People who have all become extended family and friends - for which I could not be more thankful for! I got to know so many of our Aisle Planners (in person, over the phone, on Skype demos) and it is a daily reminder of how lucky I am to work with such passionate, hard working, and forward thinking entrepreneurs!  Learning about your struggles, sharing in your dreams, and moving your businesses forward together continues to inspire me (and the entire Aisle Planner team) beyond compare. Speaking of the Aisle Planner team, I know first hand that entrepreneurship can be a lonely road, so I must say that building a team of dreamers, believers, and fellow #eventbosses tops my list for 2015! Work is a lot less lonely these days with a fabulous and creative tribe along for the ride. I'm honored to get to work with my dream team on my dream every day.

There are so many reasons that 2015 was one for our record books and looking back, I realize that we have come quite a long way. We are so much closer to bringing this crazy idea I had years ago to full fruition. We've moved our vision forward, we've laid the foundation, we've put the right pieces in play and  - in short - we're exactly where we need to be. So stop and smell the roses a little. 2016 is a brand new year that will be filled with brand new opportunities, accomplishments, and challenges and together, let's make it the best year ever!

xo Christina


About the Author

Headshot of Aisle Planner founder, Christina Farrow
Christina Farrow
Aisle Planner, Founder & Chief Product Officer
As Aisle Planner's Founder and Chief Product Officer, Christina Farrow spends her days dreaming up ways to empower wedding professionals to lead more balanced (and more organized) lives. She loves few things more than her toes in the sand, a glass of Prosecco, and the promise of a great adventure with hubby, daughter and Caucasian Shepherd pup by her side.